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Community Safety eLearning Modules

We have a variety of eLearning courses available to community safety partners, staff and schools

We have developed a range of eLearning modules hosted on Derbyshire Learning Online. These modules are designed to give an introduction to areas of community safety, to increase awareness of the subject and to highlight support available.

  • Anti-Social Behaviour: Tools and Powers - This course provides a brief overview of how anti-social behaviour (ASB) is tackled in Derbyshire, including what ASB is, the agencies involved and the tools and powers they use.
  • Community Safety: An Introduction -  learn more about what 'community safety' is and how it works in Derbyshire. You'll also discover where to find further information, support and training.  
  • Counter Terrorism (Prevent) - This course is aimed at Derbyshire County Council employees, elected members and Derbyshire schools staff and covers the Prevent Duty, spotting the signs of someone who may be being radicalised and how to share concerns. Safer Derbyshire assists in the training of all partners so they are able to fulfil their statutory duty to prevent people being drawn into terrorism.
  • Criminal Exploitation and County Lines - discover more about what 'county lines' are, how people become exploited, how to spot the signs and share concerns.
  • Cybercrime and Online Safety - explores what cybercrime is and how to keep yourself and the people you work with safe online. It also includes how to report cybercrime and access suppo/rt for victims.
  • Domestic Abuse: An Introduction - provides a brief overview of what domestic abuse is, including how to spot the signs that someone is experiencing abuse and how to share your concerns in Derbyshire.
  • Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage - discover what honour based violence and forced marriage is, spotting the signs and indicators that someone may be being abused and how to gain support for victims.
  • Hate Crime Awareness - learn what hate crime is, the impact on victims, hate crime legislation and how to gain support for victims.
  • Modern Slavery Awareness - this course provides a brief overview of what modern slavery is, including how to spot the signs and how to share your concerns in Derbyshire.
  • Modern Slavery First Responders - This free course is designed for Derbyshire County Council staff within Children's Services and Adult Social Care and Health departments, who need to respond to cases of modern slavery as part of their roles.

Accessing community safety eLearning

If you already have a Derbyshire Learning Online account you can access these eLearning courses. Derbyshire County Council employees, elected members and Derbyshire school employees with SAP payroll numbers can access these eLearning courses, as they already have accounts set up within Derbyshire Learning Online.

Log into your account using your SAP payroll number or email address and saved password, then search for the course you would like to access.

If you do not have a Derbyshire Learning Online account you will need to request one:

  • Derbyshire County Council and Derbyshire SAP school employees without SAP payroll numbers should email: to request access to Derbyshire Learning Online.
  • Access to community safety eLearning courses by non-Derbyshire County Council staff, partnership agencies or academy schools in Derbyshire will be considered on a case by case basis. To enquire, please

Other Training Available

In addition the Community Safety Team and partners develop and deliver webinars suitable for Derbyshire County Council staff, Elected Members, Schools and partner organisations in Derbyshire, to book visit Derbyshire Learning Online.


If you have any queries concerning course content and suitability email: