Hate crime
Hate crimes happen because of race, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation and disability,
Hate crimes can include:
- physical attacks - physical assault, damage to property, offensive graffiti, neighbour disputes and arson
- threat of attack - offensive letters or emails, abusive or obscene telephone calls, groups hanging around to intimidate you and unfounded, malicious complaints
- verbal abuse or insults - harassment over the phone, by text or face to face, abusive gestures and remarks, bullying and threats
They can happen anywhere - at home, school, work or on the street. It can be frightening for the victim and witnesses.
Derbyshire's free confidential 24 hour third party reporting is independent of the police and provided by Stop Hate UK. You can also:
- email: talk@stophateuk.org
- tel: 0800 138 1625
- text: 07717 989 025
- use web chat and instant messaging
- write to:
PO Box 851
Derbyshire Police can also take information and you can make a statement:
- tel: 101 or if it's an emergency tel: 999
- SMS text - you'll need to register your mobile phone before using the emergency SMS service:
- non-emergency: 07800 002414
- emergency: 999
- Deaftext users should still continue to use that system as it is available to all mobile phones - contact Derbyshire Police for the deaf SMS contact form
- fax: 01773 571102
Crimestoppers will take your call anonymously tel: 0800 555 111.
Derbyshire victims services - Step up beat hate can take reports and offer advocacy and resolution through restorative justice: