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Cyber Choices Toolkit

National research suggests that 61% of hackers began hacking before the age 16, but some may be as young as 10, with estimates showing that 1 in 4 teenagers have tried some form of cybercrime (many without realising it).

Do you work with young people or vulnerable young adults in Derbyshire? If so, it’s likely that the majority of them will be tech savvy but, can you identify when that interest in IT becomes a concern and puts them at risk of committing cybercrime? Do you know how you can help them?

Cyber Choices is an early intervention programme, developed by the National Crime Agency and delivered by the Cyber Choices teams at Derbyshire Constabulary and the Regional Cyber Crime Unit.

The aims of the programme are to:

  • deter individuals from becoming involved in cybercrime in the first instance
  • prevent individuals from becoming more involved in cybercrime
  • prevent cyber criminals from re-offending
  • provide education on the Computer Misuse Act 1990 and the possible consequences of breaking the law
  • encourage individuals to make informed choices about their use of technology
  • promote legal and ethical cyber opportunities

Cyber Choices provides positive role models and mentors to give them a better chance of changing their behaviour and help them to make informed choices that will use their skills in a legal way, resulting in positive career pathways.

In conjunction with the Police, our Community Safety Unit has produced the Cyber Choices Toolkit to help professionals ‘spot the possible signs’ that someone is involved, or at risk of becoming involved, in cybercrime.

We are hosting a series of free launch webinars to explain the Cyber Choices programme and how to access the toolkit. You can register on the following dates and times:

Download the toolkit to access detailed information about when, and how, to make a referral to the Cyber Choices programme, plus lots of useful information and resources to support the people you are referring and also encourage better online safety and cyber security.

More information about the Cyber Choices programme is available on the East Midlands Cyber Secure website and the National Crime Agency website.

Useful documents

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